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Happy National Cat Month

Posted by Caroline Aro on 08/30/2024

As a self-proclaimed cat lady, every month is “Cat Month” to me… That being said, September actually is National Cat Month and it’s time to celebrate our feline friends! “Happy Cat Month” was created by the CATalyst Council to help educate and inform cat owners on how to best care for their pets, while keeping them happy and healthy.

Cat Health

There are many signs to consider when it comes to your cat’s health and welfare. Be sure to bring them to your veterinarian for regular visits, but you can also look out for some of these things at home:

Any behavior changes, whether it’s in their eating/drinking or grooming habits, sudden aggression or lethargy, problems using the litter box etc. These are all things to be mindful of and to consult your vet about.

Like many animals, cats can be fairly stoic when sick or injured but you know your pet best! If something seems off, call the vet – it’s worth checking in to ensure your cat is doing okay.

Keeping up with vaccinations, flea treatments, other medications and regular checkups are all important preventative care.

General Cat Care

Get your cat spayed or neutered – not only will this prevent any unexpected litters, but it can also help with some potential behavioral issues. Male cats that have not been “fixed” may be more aggressive towards other cats or may spray in the house. Female cats are actually more likely to suffer from infections and cancer later in life if they are not fixed. If they do have kittens, these diseases can be passed on to the babies.

Make sure your cat is microchipped! While most of us have indoor-only cats, it’s possible they could get out of the house and get lost. Indoor/outdoor cats can also benefit from being microchipped. Whether your cat gets lost or injured, being identified by a microchip will help them be reunited with you and your family much quicker.

Happy Cat, Happy Life

Five cats sharing a Kuranda cat tower in front of a sign that reads “Home Sweet Home”
Photo courtesy of Melissa M.

Keeping your cat happy and fulfilled is such an important part of being a cat parent. Give them plenty of good scratching posts, interactive toys and even a Kuranda cat bed or tower to perch on!

If your cat is a cuddle bug, a bit of extra lap time is always appreciated. If they’re not big fans of getting pets, you can always treat them to snacks or a couple minutes of more play time.


Tuxedo cat laying on a Kuranda cat tower in front of a brick wall

Of course, being the proud cat lady I am, I had to share a bit about my own cat; my little tuxedo cat is named Fish! While I only have one cat right now, I am still an enthusiastic cat mom!

I rescued Fish when she was a kitten from a local Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) group in 2019 and she’s been an absolute joy in my life since. As most (if not all) cat owners can agree on, being a cat parent is so rewarding and is worth so much.

While cats may not seem as outwardly affectionate as dogs are, they are still incredibly social animals who benefit from (and require) the same level of love and care that we give our dogs. So, during Happy Cat Month, and every month, be sure to care for your kitty to give them the most purr-fect life.

Fun Feline Factoids:

  • Talkeenta, Alaska had a cat as mayor for nearly 20 years! Mayor Stubbs was in office from 1997 until 2017 and worked out of the Nagley’s General Store during his tenure.
  • Cats can’t taste sweetness; they lack a specific taste receptor that most other animals have
  • Cats are nearsighted, but they definitely don’t need glasses! Their day/night vision and their 200⁰ field of vision makes their overall eyesight superior to ours
  • There’s a reason that the cliché of a cat getting stuck in a tree is so common – cats’ claws all curve downwards so while they can climb trees with no issues, they’d have to carefully back down the trunk as opposed to going head-first
  • Most cats have a dominant paw, just like people! Some cats are ambidextrous but the majority are either left or right-pawed

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