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Getting Springtime-Ready with your Pets

Posted by Caroline Aro on 03/05/2024

Golden retriever lazing on an Anodized Aluminum Kuranda Bed enjoying the springtime weather outdoors

If you’re like us, you’re waiting on the edge of your seat for springtime and warmer weather! With that, there’s a few things to keep in mind for your pets as the seasons change. Here are a few tips to ready yourselves and your furry friends for the spring:

1. Check-Up with Your Vet

It’s important to visit your vet regularly for your pet and it’s not a bad idea to reach out with the change of the seasons. Warmer weather often means more outdoors-time, more exercise, more socializing with other pets who are out and about… Making sure your pet is in tip-top shape is a great way to welcome the spring!

2. Pest Prevention

Pest prevention goes hand in hand with your pet’s general wellbeing – if you don’t use flea, tick and heartworm treatments year-round, you’ll want to start them back up around this time of year. Pests make their comeback and debut for the year as the temperatures rise, so it’s important to be proactive to protect your pets! Always consult with your vet on the best products and treatments for your animals.

3. Seasonal Allergies

April showers bring May flowers, which often brings some irritating seasonal allergies. Just like people, pets can experience allergies so it’s a good idea to keep their surroundings clean and tidy, as free from dust, pollen and dander as possible. Plus, you’ll want to keeping an eye out for allergy symptoms. These are pretty similar to what you’d see in humans; watery eyes, itching, sneezing, runny nose etc. If you see your pet exhibiting any of these, contact your vet for advice.

4. Spring Cleaning

While you clean your own things around the house, take the time to give your pet’s things a good once over, too! Wash any bedding, sanitize toys etc. This will help with any unwanted odors and will give your pet’s things a new, clean lease on life.

5. Pamper Your Pet

Many of our pets grow a thicker winter coat, which means as we bid adieu to winter, we also pay a (maybe not so fond?) farewell to their extra fur. Take some extra time to care for your pet’s coat and even schedule them in for a visit to the groomer’s.

6. Be Prepared!

You can never be too prepared – be sure that your pet’s tags, microchip, and any other papers are all up to date. As we emerge from our winter hibernation, the changes of your pet getting loose may rise. If your pet gets away, you want to be sure that they’ll be as equipped as possible to make an easy return home. It’s also good to keep this information up to date in case of emergency, if you’re traveling etc.

Here's to milder weather and sunny days spent with our pets!

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